8 key attributes of a successful project team

Dominic Price (Head of R&D, Atlassian) says:

  1. Full-time owner: Someone who is accountable for the overall project and is at least 80% dedicated to it.
  2. Balance: Has clear and agreed upon roles and responsibilities
  3. Shared understanding: Each team member knows why they’re there, what the problem is and how to solve it
  4. Values and metrics: Each team member knows what success in the project means
  5. End-to-end demo: The project can be demonstrated, created and tested
  6. ReadMe: The project can be summarised in one page
  7. Dependencies: Each team members knows the level of complexity and the risks involved
  8. Velocity: The project makes incremental progress and iterations

Managing RFx

Hi team,

Anecdotally there feels like a heap of RF”X”,s.  I want to ensure we are putting time to good deals, ie my typical datapoints:

  • Why do we want this Business?
  • Do we know the budget?
  • Have we influenced the RFX?
  • Describe Concur’s’s current relationship / history with the client
  • Do we have any internal client support or coaching (formal or informal)?
  • Describe potential internal (Concur) and external (client, partner, competition) challenges including those in the Q16
  • Describe any changes to the opportunity  since PIR that may affect Concur’ s ability to win the deal (scope, schedule, etc.) Describe our unique business value – the value proposition we will propose Describe the Clients Critical Success
  • What is our win strategy?
  • Tactics for implementing the strategy
  • Further Considerations/Actions Required
  • Win Probability
  • Expected sign date
  • Describe any previous track record in making similar decisions:
  • Describe the positions of key executives and business units regarding outsourcing, select source etc


As you run through the above it doesn’t take long to create a view, if we haven’t influenced the tender its typically about 10% win rate.

Bank demo in Melb

As much as we prepared for the demo, I came away still feeling like we didn’t do a good job. Cat and Pete were not very engaged and it was obvious that we’re a long way from a sale if they are the gatekeepers of the deal.

Brian was kind enough to share some feedback with me though, and here they are:

  1. focus on the value and the problems we’re solving for the business. I agreed that I got caught in the weeds trying to show too much that I lost my story.
  2. Started off well playing “day in the life” but didn’t make it sticky enough. I need to complete the story and get the person feeling like that was really easy! Don’t focus on the clicks and the buttons.
  3. Anticipate objections & understand the customer as much as possible. This is quite hard to do but an effort needs to be made for it.
  4. Find a better screen sharing app. I had to keep restarting the app and it was distracting and give them a sense of complexity.
  5. Reports need to have a story!!! Reports are meaningless unless they have a compelling story behind it.
  6. Try to include as much customer references as possible. Again a tough one but an effort needs to be made for it.

Sales truths

Seek the Truth: A Strategy for Winning More Software Sales

By Dave Stein, Author of HOW WINNERS SELL


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Are you spending more time generating less business? There are reasons for that. No mystery here. The economy, tougher buyers, shrunken budgets, organizational changes, desperate competitors who undercut your prices, buyers’ attempts to commoditize everything we sell, risk aversion, software companies going out of business, being acquired. Ouch.


What are you doing about it? Are you changing the questions you are asking your prospects, digging deeper than ever before? That’s not a natural tendency for sales people, who, by nature, are generally optimistic. We don’t look for bad news, or things that will signal to us that a deal is being lost or it really isn’t there at all.


For you to spend less time generating more business you’ll need to be much more intent on learning what is really going on with your sales opportunities. You need to seek the truth. Only then you can focus on those opportunities that will offer the highest ROI for you.


Here is what you can do to assure yourself that you are properly qualifying potential business opportunities and acting appropriately to maximize sales effectiveness:


1. Understand that qualification is a process, not an event. Whatever can change during the course of your sales campaign will change. So you have to keep asking the same questions again and again, often of the same people. In order for you to continue pursuing an opportunity, you need ongoing validation that the prospect is going to buy, when they say they will buy, and that someone else has not already won the deal. If, for example, you don’t keep asking your prospect what their decision criteria are at that point in time, how will you know if your competition has influenced a change—that would favor them?


2. Your prospect gets to evaluate you—you get to qualify them. It will cost your company anywhere from $30 to $70,000 and more to participate in a full-fledged software evaluation. That’s a lot of money. So with that in mind, you have the right to expect your prospect to answer your questions, provide you with access to key buyers and decision makers and let you know where you stand during the progress of that evaluation. One way to assure that they do answer your questions, is by “training” them early on in the cycle, when they “need you more than you need them.” Make sure you get answers to your key questions before you provide them with what they are asking for, whether it be a completed RFP, product information, references, a demonstration, access to your company’s experts or a visit from your CEO.


3. Check again and again on the decision and approval processes. Approval levels have gone considerably higher during the last year. A VP who might have been able to approve a software acquisition of $200k last year may now have to go to the CEO for anything over $100k. If you don’t know that in advance it could mean a delay or worse—elimination at the CEO level for any one of a number of reasons unknown to you—unless you ask. Make sure you understand who will approve your proposal and have a plan for getting them involved earlier, rather than later in your selling efforts.


A salesrep who works for a client of mine didn’t ask who the ultimate approver was on a $2.8 million software evaluation where had been selected. The rep’s coach, the division controller, told him that it was the board of directors who would ultimately approve the investment. Through the efforts of the controller, the company’s CFO arranged a phone poll of the board, locking in the final approval and bringing in the deal within my client’s fiscal year. Had that question not been asked, the deal would have slipped into the next year.


4. Make sure that they are still going to buy. Budgets have been frozen, initiatives and projects halted, or it has been decided that development will be taken in house. If you are not asking the right questions often, you may not find out that they are not buying until it’s too late—after you have invested too much time. Other than for your solution, where else is your prospect spending money? Strategic projects only? Quick and inexpensive fixes to critical problems? Get validation from the person who will sign the check and/or whomever is paying for the investment in your software that nothing has changed regarding their intent to go forward with this purchase. You need to make sure that they are still going to buy first, then make sure they buy from you.


5. Can the buyer cost justify the investment in your solution? It’s no secret that senior executives are looking for ROIs of a year or less. Can you meet or beat that—and prove it? Does your buyer have to make a case for an investment to a higher level? Are they qualified to sell for you in the executive suite? Have you given them the information and tools that they need? Is there any chance that you would be invited to make your own business case to the ultimate approver, whether it be CIO, CEO or the board? Understand your prospect’s ROI requirements and make sure you developed the appropriate business case. If you don’t know how to do this, get help. Because if you don’t, there are companies who will simply not buy from you.


6. Is your solution or company perceived as risky? With everything that’s bad going on in the business world today, executives and boards are very, very risk averse. Especially in the software industry. Are you 100%, absolutely certain that you have proactively addressed all risk issues and that risk will not prevent your prospect from going forward with your offering? If all else fails, are you prepared to share the risk with your prospect where they pay you a percentage of your price and fees when they have achieved their objectives? More risk for you, less for them, but that’s what it may take to win a deal in these challenging times.


7. Is your prospect going to ultimately buy on price? You’ll want to know that now, early in the deal, not after a competitor dives for the deck when they suspect they are losing. Ask your prospect to explain to you the differences they see in your offering versus the competition and the value associated with those differences. If they don’t see a difference or they don’t see the value, you have some work to do. If it’s late in the deal, you may just have to accept the fact that you have been commoditized. You’ll need to do a better job next time.


8. After all the work you have done, are you going to get beat up by the VP of Purchasing or your prospect’s attorneys? Best to figure this out early on or it will cost you time and money. Speak to another vendor to find out how that prospect treated them. Or ask your coach how your prospect works with vendors—what you should expect. Remember this: when you provide real business value during the sales process while establishing relationships with influential executives, you earn the right to ask them to work on your behalf with tough purchasing people or lawyers whose job it is to squeeze all the value out of the deal for you. You need to educate your executive contacts that win-lose and lose-win always turn out to be lose-lose—for you and them. The key to spending less time generating more business is to ask the tough questions, often. Those tough questions will enable you to know what is really going on with your sales opportunities and allow you to make the right choices required to be successful.


Dave Stein is the author of the Amazon business best-seller, How Winners Sell. Before he founded his sales consultancy, The Stein Advantage, Inc., in 1997, Dave was employed by several leading-edge software companies in a diversity of roles: programmer, systems engineer, sales representative, sales manager, director of worldwide sales development, VP of sales, VP of marketing, VP of international operations, VP of client services, and VP of strategic alliances.



From <http://aux.softwaresalesjobs.com/o/newsletter/articles/con-article3.jsp>

Reading between the lines

Every time the customer tells you something, what is the customer actually trying to say?

  1. We have to specific budget or we just want to know how much it will cost.

What is the customer really trying to say here? From experience, most of the time it just means that they’re looking for a solution based on price. Something cheap and easy. Not something “future proof” and “complex”.

2. We don’t see a significant difference between yours and competitor’s solution.

Again, you have probably lost or are on the backfoot at this point and they have now commoditized your solution. The only way around this is focusing on your solution’s value and giving the customer a great Sales/Buying experience – by demonstrating thought leadership and establishing credibility, i.e., teaching them new things.



Give a demo? But why? Let’s do a value demo.

There are only three things your prospects want to know from you:

  1. Can your software solve my problem?
  2. Can it provide a higher ROI than my other options?
  3. Can it provide a higher ROI than what I’m doing now?


  1. Don’t demo unless you understand the customer’s business problems and goals.
  2. Don’t assume.
  3. Don’t give advice and demos away for free. Use a verbal contract and get something back in exchange. E.g, have the budget owner attend the demo, give us a decision by X date, etc etc.
  4. Call to action at the end. What is the customer supposed to do or think after the demo. Tied back to the 2 objectives of a speech: 1. solve a problem, 2. do things differently.

Demo tip: what’s obvious to you is more than often not obvious to your prospect.

Why we shouldn’t demo

Customers are not interested in your demo, although they might ask for one, what they’re REALLY interested in is HOW YOU CAN HELP SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS. They could not care less about your product and your company spiel.

Especially for SaaS, demoing features very quickly goes out of date. The customer here is buying much more than just the product. They are buying support, reliability, performance, integration & security as well.

Prospects are making their purchase decision based on whether they think you understand their problems and you have the knowledge, resources and commitment to solve them.

You need to talk about your experience in their industry, about other customers you’ve worked with and their results (ROI calculator and Jerry Macguire results), about the entire scope of your solution.

Successful SaaS sales people provide context. They explain how the solution helps the business, how it solves problems, why it will make the customer more successful.

The winner doesn’t do it with features alone. They win with the story that goes with them!




Taking back the power!

We had a LM team training session today with almost more SCs than RSEs.

One of the really key points that came up was from Chappo, and he said that “giving a customer a demo is giving them the power to say no”. This made a lot of sense because they can dispute the features and functions of the system till the cows come home (don’t like the buttons, don’t like the colour, your s/w looks the same as the other guys) but if you base your sale on the ROI and business case, it is way more solid and getting them to agree on their numbers means they can’t dispute it.


The disengaged buyer

It’s been a while since I’ve been thrown into this situation and it’s my fault for allowing myself to be put into it.

In this situation I’m working with a very weak Sales Rep and a disengaged (and slightly delusional) prospect. The main ingredients for a successful deal are painfully absent:

  1. Rep doesn’t know how much this deal is worth.
  2. Rep doesn’t know how to quote.
  3. We have no information on requirements. Most probably due to Rep’s lack of assertion and buyer’s unwillingness to engage.
  4. Rep doesn’t understand the landscape at all.
  5. Rep didn’t build relationship with any of the stakeholders.
  6. SC (me) didn’t research the prospect and review the deal beforehand – allowing myself to be put into this situation.

So we go into the meeting with the buyer expecting a demo but I decided to present a proof-of-concept to uncover their requirements and try to get them to engage with us more openly. Only managed to get the bare minimum out of them and they expressed their disappointment at not having seen a demo. I tried to explain to them that in a highly configurable solution, a demo that is not specific will do more harm than good. The buyer then claimed that she’s ahead of the curve because they have a competitors product in place and she knows what to look for and doesn’t need us to be so involved.

Due to my limited experience, this is the first time I’ve come across a buyer like this and it is quite perplexing.

Happy for anyone reading this to leave comments/advise/suggestions on how to manage this type of buyer.

Maintaining control

So we were balls deep in a deal and at the stage of seeking approval for the business case, with Finance owning the project and approval to come from CFO.

While seeking confirmation from IT that we’ve ticked all their boxes and satisfied their requirements, I get a call from some IT guy asking about stuff that is outside of the project scope like SSO and Web Services and 2-factor authentication. The guy ended the conversation with requesting for a quote on those things.

Sensing that this could potentially derail the timeline of closing the deal, I had a discussion my Sales Director on how best to neutralize this and prevent this guy from re-opening and expanding the business case again. As expected, I got the knee-jerk panicky reaction from Mr Mans which I wasn’t satisfied with. In the end I remembered one of the most valuable lessons that I learnt from Gari – let people take ownership of what is theirs and never take ownership of what is not yours.

With this epiphany, I went back to the IT guy and explained that Finance owns this project and any quotes should come the project owner. This is to keep a clean and clear line of engagement, prevent overstepping on someone’s authority and ensure there is no confusion. I also gave a heads up to all the parties involved including the project owner.

We should be expecting contracts by today. 🙂